Long life Alutec systems revive school

As part of a major refurbishment project, Hornsea School and Language College has had aluminium rainwater and eaves system replacements installed from Alutec that have a life expectancy as long as the building itself. Built in the 1950’s, Hornsea School and Language...

Alutec re-launches roof outlet range

A UK leader in innovative aluminium rainwater solutions, Alutec, has re-launched its increasingly popular roof outlet range. The range, which offers market leading flow rate performance, covers all applications from standard roof outlets to balcony, car park and...

PIRfect new online U-Value calculations made available by Recticel

A new online U-Value calculator has been launched by Recticel Insulation. An instant tool designed to assist architects and specifiers when calculating the required insulation thickness, thermal performance and product solution, is now available on the Recticel...

Green heat reduces running costs at Brean Leisure Park

Brean Leisure Park in Somerset is a leading holiday destination and days’ out attraction that has recently installed a 400kW biomass boiler system to heat their indoor swimming pool complex. Director Alan House says: ‘Running costs are a key consideration when...