Certificate for first Passive House supermarket in Germany

Although fresh food needs continuous refrigeration, achieving a low energy demand is still possible. This has been demonstrated by the first Passive House supermarket in Germany. In the pilot project, highly efficient equipment reduces energy consumption as much as...

New infra-red urinal flush

In striving to extend its commercial offer, Bristan, a leading UK shower and taps company, has launched an innovative new infra-red automatic urinal flush. Against the backdrop of increased onus on water efficiency, the innovative flush control offers a simple yet...

Armstrong launches online ceilings CPD

Leading interior solutions provider Armstrong Ceilings is believed to have become the first in its sector to launch an online RIBACPD. Available through www.ribacpd.com, Suspended ceilings and the environment has been designed to provide architects with an improved...

Shetland Islands Council chooses biomass

When the Shetland Islands Council needed to upgrade the heating system in its Port Administration Building on Sella Ness, biomass proved the most cost effective solution. Windhager UK has provided a highly efficient wood pellet boiler system to heat the workshop areas...

Energy in the headlines again

Following a visit to a homeowner using renewable energy, Greg Barker – Energy Minister was in the headlines again this week as he expressed his view that anyone heading towards their pension years should consider solar electricity for its greater returns than their...